Multimedia Presentations
by Dan Reid, CEO, The Reid Group

"No matter what industry you're in, it's highly likely that at least one of your competitors is seriously considering outfitting its sales force with a multimedia system."

When should you use multimedia? When you need to:

You can use multimedia presentations in:

"At the heart of multimedia is the concept of interactivity: the ability for people to retrieve information suited to their specific needs, rather than simply absorbing information in a passive, linear way."

Case Study #1 Lauridon Sports Management


How Multimedia Presentations Increase Sales and Profits

"The problem with many sales presentations today is that key decision makers won't sit still long enough for a lengthy pitch. That's where computer-based marketing can help. It's more engaging and it lets customers sell themselves."

Case Study #2 The Royal Bank: KBI or Knowledge Based Industries

Other important facts for consideration:

Case Study #3 Waterloo Insurance

The bottom line:

If you want to get your message across, make Multimedia a part of your communications strategy.


[ Multimedia Presentations ][ Case Study #1 ][ Case Study #2 ][ Case Study #3 ]