The Toronto Hospital Firsts
1922 First clinical use of insulin
1935 First clinical use of Heparin as a blood thinner
1946 North America's first artificial kidney
1950 World's first regulated cardiac pacemaker
1950 First use of hypothermia as a method of making heart surgery safer
1983 World's first successful single lung transplant
1986 World's first successful double lung transplant
1987 Development and use of the Toronto Heart Valve, a new type of pig valve now used in humans
1990 World's first genetic test for the diagnosis of myocarditis orviral heart disease
1995 First gene trial in Canada in patients with multiple myeloma
1997 First hospital in Canada to perform ventricular volume reduction, in which enlarged hearts are surgically reduced in patients suffering from congestive heart failureCardiac Firsts
1950 World's first regulated cardiac pacemaker
1950 First use of hypothermia as a method of making heart surgery possible or safer for the patient
1956 World's first human heart valve transplant
1962 World's first coronary intensive care unit
1964 World's first dual chamber pacemaker implanted in a patient
1984 The development of balloon electric shock ablation to cure life-threatening heart arrhythmias
1985 Canada's first successful double lung/heart transplant
1988 First use of Ancrod, an extract from snake venom, as a blood thinner alternative during open heart surgery
1989 The establishment of The Centre for Cardiovascular Research
1990 The first practical genetic test for the diagnosis of myocarditis or viral heart disease
1990 The breaking of the genetic code for myosin, a major structural and functional heart protein
1993 North American introduction of The Toronto Hospital Cardiac System, a protocol that reduces the length of stay in intensive care by half for routine open heart surgery
1997 First hospital in Canada to perform ventricular volume reduction, in which enlarged hearts are surgically reduced in patients suffering
from congestive heart failure
1997 Creation of the world's first and only publicly available complete list of all human cardiovascular genes, in conjunction with the University of TorontoThe Toronto Hospital Foundation Launches Spring Appeal for Research Funds