The Toronto Hospital Foundation
Launches Spring Appeal for Research Funds
(Toronto - May 26, 1998)Today's Research is Tomorrow's Practice.That's the theme of The Toronto Hospital Foundation's Spring Appeal. "Ilike to think of The Toronto Hospital Research Institute as thedepartment of future medicine," says Dr. Christopher Paige, VicePresident of Research at The Toronto Hospital.
"The treatments we will be delivering ten years from now are thetreatments that are being studied in our research laboratories today."The hospital's emphasis on research and its application to patient carehas contributed to an international reputation for excellence, areputation that includes more firsts than any other Canadian hospital.Many techniques and procedures first developed at The Toronto Hospitalare now among the basic life-saving resources of doctors around theworld.
"Not surprisingly," Dr. Paige says, "one of our biggest challenges isresources. In Canada the base for research funding has been shrinking,yet the need for research has been growing. A stable source of fundingfor critical research will benefit all of us."
To help build that stable source of funding, The Toronto HospitalFoundation's Spring Appeal goal is to raise $200,000. Donations to theSpring Appeal have a real impact. Every $1.00 The Toronto HospitalFoundation devotes to research turns into $3.00. Because of theFoundation's support in 1997, Toronto Hospital scientists competedsuccessfully for over $37 million in additional research grants frompeer-reviewed funding, clinical trials funding, and industrial funding.
The campaign was launched earlier this month with a Direct Mail piecedesigned by The Reid Group. It includes a note from Dr. Paige outliningthe need for research and a letter from the Foundation Chairman tellingof patient success stories, thanks to that research.
Anyone who is interested in supporting this special campaign is invitedto call The Toronto Hospital Foundation at 340-3935.
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